big nate's spot
about me
graphic design
my dawgs
yahoo briefcase
welcome to my player hater pimp tight home skillet web site...

Hey, welcome to Big Nate's Spot. If you're extremely bored and need something to do, check out my site...

Hey, Welcome to my site. Isn't it rather... how you say... "off the hizzie?" Yeah, I'll keep working on that ghetto talk, but meanwhile you gotta check out my site. I made this website for several reasons: I need something to do when I'm bored, I want to be a graphic designer when I grow up, so I enjoy working with computers, and lastly- It's an online place where I can save things, look at them when I get older, and laugh my ass of...

I'll try to update this site every once in a great while. It's summer now, and I'm usually really bored. (Wait... i'm bored during the school year to) Feel free to look around and check everything out. This isn't like most sites (just put shout outs to some people and say "take my quiz" at the bottom) I am planning to actually make this site something interesting for people to look at when they are bored. Look at the top for links... then do whatever you're heart desires. Remember to do you're homework, and Don't do drugs. Peace.


What's New?

7/19/02 - I added the smashing new picture of me on the homepage... I think I'm done for a while until there's something to update.
7/14/02 - I got music photos and mp3s added to the audio part of the site, you should check it out. There's a new pic under "about me" and I also added a counter...
7/9/02- I was really bored last night, so I finished up a bunch. I think I'm actually going to start giving the link out...

7/8/02- This is my 1st day of constructing this site, so not a lot of stuff can be new. I'm just going to do a page a day or something until it's pretty much done.

the most recient picture of me


days 'til I get my license.

If you wanna check out pics of my friends, car, or from traveling... click on "Yahoo Briefcase."

Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.